Is Manifesting Backed Up By Science? (No – Here’s Why…)

Image of a microscope

Science is making progress by leaps and bounds in understanding how the world works. Other the other hand, manifesting is all about understanding what we desire to have in our lives and how to get it. So, is manifesting backed by science?

Manifesting is not backed by science. While what we imagine and visualize does have an effect on our lives, there is no conclusive evidence to say that manifesting is a science. Manifesting is more of an art than science. It’s also not backed by data that is needed by science to confirm assumptions.

Let’s now discuss in detail why manifesting is not a science.

What Science Needs?

Science needs a systematic process that creates observations, experiments, and data, to confirm assumptions and make valid conclusions.

Science uses data to quantify or qualify observations or create theories that are then formulated into laws and postulates. These can then be used to create models that explain how the world works.

Science can then test if the models are correct, and based on the results; theories are confirmed or disproved. These theories are then used to create new models.

Science cannot use an unstructured process such as manifesting for two reasons:

  1. Science needs a structured process where data can be gathered in a systematic way and verified with repeated experiments that yield similar results. Manifesting cannot be tested through repeated experiments because it is not a science and thus has no structure like experiments or observations.
  2. Science needs a structured process that other people can repeat to recreate the process. Manifesting requires an individual approach and cannot be replicated under controlled conditions.

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What Manifesting Needs?

Manifesting is not a science. It is an art that is used for creating what we desire in our lives. However, manifesting is not a science because it lacks an organized process of gathering data to confirm assumptions and make conclusions.

Manifesting is more like a game that can be played by anyone who wants to play. And how do you play the game? You envision, visualize, and fantasize about what you want in your life. This game has no rules or structure, not even any starting point. You only need imagination and creativity, which is something science cannot measure.

Manifestation is a journey that offers no rules or structure for success. This is due to the fact that it does not fit into science’s statistical process.

When it comes to manifesting, we are very much the captains of our own destiny.

Furthermore, there is little emphasis in manifesting on experimentation or testing. Instead, the emphasis is more on imagination and creativity that are not based on any scientific understanding.

What Is The Purpose of Science?

Science seeks to understand how the world works and use this knowledge for human benefit – both as individuals and societies. It also seeks to understand how natural phenomena such as gravity, light, magnetism, energy, etc., work.

Science is concerned mainly with the physical world, understanding how it works, and using this knowledge to improve human life.

It is also concerned with applying scientific knowledge and technological developments to achieve specific goals. Its goal is to explain the natural phenomena we see in the world.

Science’s purpose is not to teach us how to create what we desire, even though that can be a spin-off benefit of science, especially when it comes to technology.

Science is not concerned with attaining happiness, peace of mind, or enlightenment for individuals. These are personal goals and do not qualify as a scientific research as there is no way to verify them with data and conduct experiments to validate them.

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What Is The Purpose of Manifesting?

Manifesting is the art and science of creating what we desire in our lives. It is also a way to understand how the universe works so that we can create more in our lives. Manifesting is an art because it combines imagination with a structured approach to get us what we want.

The purpose of manifesting is making conscious decisions that affect our world and ourselves without being too concerned about the outcome. It takes a lot of courage to manifest what we really want in our lives because we may not be able to take it back once we manifest it.

Manifesting is also about stepping out of the unconsciously created reality that has been placed on us and living a life that is more aligned with what our soul desires. This means taking action on what matters to us the most irrespective of someone else’s approval.

One of the main purposes of manifesting is to understand how the universe works and how we can create what we desire from it.

Why Is Manifesting Not A Science?

Manifesting is not a science because of the following reasons:

  1. Science is structured into specific branches such as physics, biology, etc. It has a structure that creates data. This in turn creates theories that are formulated into laws and postulates. Manifesting does not have a structured process at all. Manifesting is about understanding only how we create what we desire in our lives.
  2. Science also aims to improve human life by creating technological developments and using those developments to achieve specific goals such as transport or medical advancements. Manifesting does not have a goal or end result. Manifesting is about consciously creating what we desire.
  3. Science is concerned with exploring the natural world and applying scientific knowledge to achieve specific results, whereas manifesting is not concerned with documenting or experiencing the natural phenomena of the universe at all.
  4. Science is interested in understanding how nature works to improve our lives while manifesting does not concern itself with improving human life in any way.
  5. Another reason why manifesting is not a science is that it doesn’t require you to test your hypothesis or experiment on how you can achieve the manifestation. It simply requires you to understand how you can create what you desire and use this knowledge to create consciously.
  6. Science does not concern itself with personal goals, happiness, peace of mind, or enlightenment of the individual. It is only concerned with understanding how nature works and how we can use scientific knowledge for human benefit.
  7. Science is not about creating what we desire but letting nature take its course and deal with the outcome of our actions.

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Points To Note

Science is not about creating what we desire but about how nature works and the laws that govern it. It deals with applying scientific knowledge to improve human life.

Science is about understanding how nature works to improve human life while manifesting is about understanding how we create what we desire.

Manifesting is not a science because it does not have a structured process or goal.