Fears are universal, and everyone has different ones. However, some people end up manifesting their own fears. So, how to stop manifesting your fears?
To stop manifesting your fears start by identifying them and the situations that cause them. Then, understand what you believe about them and how accurate your beliefs are. Now, try combating these thoughts with more rational ones, and start taking small steps to face whatever it is that you fear.
This article will explore how fears can manifest and what you can do to work through them.
Can Fear Manifest Itself?
Fear is something that we all experience. Every person has fears, but in some cases, these fears can manifest into self-fulfilling prophecies.
What does that mean?
Quite simply, some people may believe so strongly in something that the belief can come to fruition and be their reality.
So, if you are experiencing negative thoughts, they might manifest into your reality.
When you experience something that frightens you, most of the time, you will experience very intense emotions. These emotions usually become fears or a self-fulfilling prophecy.
That is why it is possible to manifest your fears.
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What Causes Fear?
There are various reasons that can cause fear. Some of the important reasons that can cause fear are listed below:
- Inferiority Complex: This can occur due to the lack of confidence in oneself, which in turn triggers fear.
- Negative Thoughts/Mindset: Negative thoughts are also a reason that causes fear, especially when you keep thinking about your worst fears coming true.
- Lack of Motivation: Fear is triggered when someone loses their motivation to do anything or become successful. It is one of the main reasons that cause fear in an individual.
- Lack of Confidence: This is another reason that causes fear in a person, which comes from the lack of self-confidence. In this case, it starts by having a little bit of doubt about oneself or even a negative mindset.
- Ignorance: Fear can often result from ignorance about something. Whereas, if one has knowledge and information, he may not be afraid at all.
- Having False Beliefs: This is another important reason that causes fear in a person. For example, if a person has a false belief that there is no God or the world will end by 2012, he may start thinking about such things and may get afraid of it.
- Others: There can be numerous other reasons as to why fear occurs, like past experiences, natural disasters, and many more.
Now that you know the various reasons that can cause fear, let’s understand why you may attract what you fear.
Why Do You Attract What You Fear?
The reason you attract what you fear is because positivity attracts positivity; negativity attracts negativity. This means, if you’re happy and excited about something, more things like it will come to you. Whereas, if you put out negative energy into the world, then it will come back to you.
This is because of magnetism, which is a theory in every field of science. We are all magnets; we have a north and a south pole, one positive and one negative. Similar poles attract while opposite poles repel. The same principle applies to people too.
If you put out positive energy into the world, it will get attracted to you. This is why if you tell people they are beautiful, they will respond positively to you. And if you tell them they are ugly, they will respond negatively.
Similarly, if you fear something, you will release negative energy, which will eventually come back to you.
However, once you become aware of your fears, you can remove them from your life, and it will stop attracting negative things into your life.
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How To Remove Fears Before They Manifest?
Given below are the four steps using which you can remove your fears before they manifest:
- Identify your fears.
- Understand what you believe and how accurate these beliefs are.
- Try to combat these thoughts with more rational ones.
- Start taking small steps to face whatever it is that you fear.
Let’s talk about each of these steps in detail now.
STEP 1: Identify your fears.
The first step to take in order to eliminate fears is to identify your fears.
Identifying your fears isn’t a complicated process, and you can do it by grasping the essence of things that frighten you.
However, this might be a challenging thing to do. You may have negative thoughts about what you fear and therefore don’t want to admit that you are afraid. But there is a significant difference between being scared, having feelings of fear, and actually being afraid of something.
To truly identify what your fears are, you must first admit to yourself that you are afraid. You must then describe to yourself what it is that you fear and why.
The following set of questions should help you get started on this process:
- What am I afraid of? Describe your fear to yourself in as much detail as possible. What does it look like? What do you feel about it?
- Why am I afraid of this thing or situation? You must identify why this situation frightens you. This is where having an honest answer to the question “why” will help immensely in creating a positive change.
- What do I expect to happen if I am not afraid?
- Will my fear or negative thoughts about this subject affect my life? If they do, then it is something that you need to deal with and remove from your life.
- What can I do about this fear?
Now that you know the answers to these questions and understand your fears, it’s time to let go of your fears and look upon things in a more rational manner.
This leads us to the next step…
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STEP 2: Understand What You Believe and How Accurate These Beliefs Are.
What you believe can make or break your success in life. It doesn’t matter if you are a spiritual person or not; as long as your beliefs lead you to be happy and peaceful, they are good for you. The same holds true for fears – the beliefs that you hold about being afraid will affect how much fear comes into your life.
If you believe that being afraid is a bad thing, then the chances of you making decisions based on fear are high. If you believe that being afraid is a good thing, the chances of you making decisions based on fear are low.
The most important thing to understand about beliefs is that they are completely subjective. You can believe anything that you want to believe. However, when you are aware of how your fears affect your choices and behavior, you can begin to question whether or not these beliefs are really accurate.
Given below are some questions that you can ask yourself to understand how accurate your beliefs or fears are:
- Why am I afraid of this thing or situation? You must identify why this situation frightens you. This is where having an honest answer to the question “why” will help immensely in creating positive change.
- Am I angry that a certain situation is happening, and is this why I am afraid? Sometimes, you can be afraid of a situation because you are unhappy that it happened. For instance, if someone close to you passes away, and you become fearful of death, then this fear may be based on your anger or sadness about the loss of this person.
- How much of a threat does this situation pose to me? How much negative effect does it have on my life? If you are able to see how much negative impact this situation can have in the long-term, then you will be less likely to fear it.
Okay! But how do you combat your fears?
STEP 3: Try to Combat These Thoughts With More Rational Ones.
Now that you have identified your irrational thought patterns, you need to combat these thoughts with more rational ones. For example, if you have a fear of speaking in front of a group, then remind yourself that most people are nervous about this. You can also remind yourself that most people want to hear what you have to say.
It will be a while before your new, rational thoughts replace your irrational ones. Be patient and keep telling yourself these rational thoughts whenever the irrational thoughts try to take over!
Here’s how to replace your fears with rational thoughts:
- Realize that you are going to be just fine.
- Ask yourself what you are afraid of and think of the negative consequences that will happen if you don’t do something to stop the fear from happening; what will you lose?
- Keep telling yourself positive rational thoughts throughout life and doing as much as possible to feel confident about yourself and your abilities…
- Re-read this post and remind yourself how amazing you really are!
Interesting Further Reading:
- Sharing Your Manifestations (Will There Be Consequences?)
- What Exactly Is Manifesting?
- Why Manifesting Is and Isn’t Bad?
STEP 4: Start Taking Small Steps To Face Whatever It Is That You Fear.
Ask yourself, “If I act on this fear, what is the worst-case scenario?” If you take small steps towards facing whatever you fear, then the chances are that the worst-case scenario won’t occur.
You will also learn that your irrational fears are often false or overblown! You will have a better understanding of what is really true about your situation!
Here are some small steps you can take to face your fears:
- Focus on what it is that you are afraid of.
- Ask yourself, “Am I really in danger if this situation happens?”
- Write down a worst-case scenario for the fear and think about how likely it is that it will happen.
- Re-address your “why” for being afraid and try to find out why you are afraid of this happening.
I hope these tips help you eliminate your fears and lead you to a happy and successful life!