Many of us write our manifestations on paper. But can you burn your manifestation paper?
Yes, you can burn your manifestation paper. You can write your manifestation on wood, stone, or even on the sand. A paper, a piece of wood, sand, etc., doesn’t have any power. The power to attract your manifestation is within you, in your feelings, in your emotions, in your thoughts and intentions.
Let’s talk about this in detail now.
Why Can You Burn Your Manifestation Paper?
Your manifestation paper has no power to attract your manifestation. It only records your feelings, emotions, and thoughts. The real power lies within you! It’s you who makes your desires a reality. You are the one who attracts the manifestation with your feelings, emotions, and thoughts.
So if you burn the paper, it doesn’t matter because the paper doesn’t have any power to attract your desired manifestations. You have the real power which attracts the manifestation.
Why would you want to burn a piece of paper? You can always keep it in a safe place for many years or even decades so that you can show it to your children and grandchildren as evidence of what was written on that piece of paper. It will always remind you of the feelings, emotions, and thoughts which played a role in making your manifestations a reality. That’s what most of us do.
However, you can cleanse your paper by burning it with the complete trust that the Universe will deliver on its promise.
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- Is It Possible That Manifesting Will Backfire?
- Various Way To Manifest Without Tiring
- 3 Steps To Altering Manifestations
Does Burning Your Manifestations Make Them Stronger?
No, it doesn’t. Burning your manifestation paper will not reduce the power of feelings, emotions, and thoughts.
Even if you lose that paper or save it somewhere in a safe place, you still have the power inside you to make your manifestation a reality.
What matters are your feelings, emotions, and thoughts at any given time. They are the ones that will lead you to your manifestations.
You need not fear losing your manifestations because they will be delivered to you by the Universe even if you burn your manifestation paper.
Can You Throw Away Your Manifestation Paper?
Yes, you can throw away your manifestation paper. Don’t be afraid of losing your paper or saving it in a safe place. You have the power of feelings, emotions, and thoughts inside you to create your manifestations. You don’t need the piece of paper anymore.
If you think about it, you should be more afraid of losing your feelings, emotions, and thoughts than the paper.
The piece of paper is just a medium to record your feelings, emotions, and thoughts. If you lose it or throw it away, it doesn’t matter as much.
All that matters is your current emotional state because this determines what the Universe within you will attract for you.
Related Further Reading:
- Workings Of Manifesting In Real Life
- Why People Think Manifesting Is Against God
- Is Hinduism Or Christianity The Origin Of Manifesting?
What To Do With The Manifestation Paper?
Burn that piece of paper and trust the Universe to make your manifestations a reality. It’s also okay to throw away your manifestation paper. You can also save it if that makes you feel good.
Do what feels right to you.
You may burn, throw away, or save the paper with complete trust that the Universe will bring your manifestations to you.
If you save the paper, it will act as a wonderful reminder of how powerful your feelings, emotions, and thoughts were in helping you attract what you desired in life.
If you have a fear of burning or throwing away your paper, ask yourself if you really need a paper to manifest something in your life? Aren’t your feelings, emotions, and thoughts enough to get you what you desire?
Can You Show Your Manifestation Paper To Others?
Yes, you can show your manifestation paper to others if that makes you feel good. But don’t show it to them just because you think that it will make them feel better. If you feel that way, then go ahead and do it.
If you don’t want to share your manifestation paper with anyone, then that’s fine too. You can always keep it as a memory of what you’ve created in the past.
Also, don’t worry about what others will think of your manifestation paper. If they don’t like it, they don’t have to look at it.
Just keep the paper for yourself so that you can remember how powerful you felt at the time when you attracted your manifestations.
Interesting Further Reading:
- Will Manifesting Help You To Become Tall?
- Is It Possible To Cancel What You Are Manifesting?
- Thinking Of Manifesting Using Your Phone? (Why Not?)
Always Remember…
Your manifestation paper doesn’t have any power to attract your manifestations. It only records your feelings, emotions, and thoughts.
You have the real power to attract the manifestation through your feelings, emotions, and thoughts. If you feel that burning or even throwing away your manifestation paper is a bad idea, then don’t do it because it will stop you from attracting what you want in life.
When you don’t trust the process of attracting what you want in life, it becomes very difficult to manifest anything into your life easily.