Manifesting is a powerful tool for creating the life you want. But, can manifesting be bad?
Whether manifesting can be bad for you or not isn’t a simple yes or no question. Psychologists have found evidence of both negative and positive effects of manifesting. Understanding the risks involved in manifesting can help you make smart decisions about whether to use this tool in your life.
Let’s take a deeper look at this now.
Can Manifesting Cause Problems?
Most of us probably didn’t imagine a life filled with the sudden appearance of perfect romantic partners, perfectly happy co-workers, or extremely successful business ventures.
However, through the ages, people have turned to such magical thinking as a way to solve life’s challenges and obstacles.
Indeed, in cultures around the world, people have used dreams, intuitions, and hallucinations to perform rituals that bind their inner selves to what they imagine the future to be like.
They’ve used such tools in their culture for thousands of years to make sense of their world. For example, in South America, people used invoking the eye of the tiger (the devil) as a way to get rid of people who were “trying to” mess you up.
When people take manifesting to such extreme levels, it can cause problems.
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Negative Effects Of Manifesting
The most obvious and potential negative aspect of manifesting is that it can be somewhat psychologically addictive.
If you’ve been struggling with your goals and haven’t been able to manifest them, it might feel good to think you’re “mastering” the process and have the ability to overcome obstacles. You might even think you have to do this process every day.
But like all addictions, you need to ask the question, “Is this worth it?”
Even though it feels great to see your goals come to life in the form of manifested goals, the experience itself can be destructive in a number of ways.
First, manifesting can affect your identity in some negative ways.
People who are drawn to the process tend to “follow the leader” of the pack, which can limit your independence and make you feel like a dependent.
There’s evidence that consciously working to manifest is associated with a number of negative feelings. For example, in one study, manifesting was negatively related to self-esteem. This negative effect was most prominent for chronically underemployed people.
A failure to manifest can feel negative. If you don’t achieve a desire you’ve been envisioning, you might feel frustrated, embarrassed, or angry. You may even feel guilty or ashamed.
Sometimes this emotional pain is enough to convince you to stop manifesting. You may feel it is a waste of time and effort, or it’s a sign that you are not committed to your goals.
If your goal is just to achieve your desire, these negative feelings can be demotivating. You might feel that the failure you’ve had is evidence that you have failed at everything in life. These negative feelings can decimate your self-confidence and make you miserable. This is how manifesting can have a negative effect.
The key here is to focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. Remember that failure can be positive in certain situations.
Related Further Reading:
- Burning Your Manifestation Paper? (It’s Okay, Here’s Why…)
- Sharing Your Manifestations? (The Consequences)
- Will Manifestation Increase Height?
Positive Effects Of Manifesting
Studies have found that some experiences with manifesting are positive. For example, people who actively manifest have more desirable outcomes when it comes to their finances and health.
Psychologists have found that consciously working to manifest has a positive effect on people’s wellbeing. Manifesting can help us get what we want.
When you set your intention to manifest something, the universe seems to be waiting to oblige.
This might sound hyperbolic, but there’s a science to back it up. Research has shown that positive thoughts are like a built-in placebo that triggers the brain’s reward and pleasure center. The more positive your thoughts, the more desire and focus you’ll bring to manifesting what you want.
There are numerous studies on the subject, but this one sums it up nicely:
If you think of something you really want, your brain will naturally bring it into your life. You’ll do whatever it takes to make it happen.
The effect is amplified when you set a specific intention.
Interesting Further Reading:
Important Aspects To Consider
If you want to manifest a big goal, you can, but remember that it can also backfire. Before deciding which strategy to take, make sure that you understand both the potential benefits and risks.
As a general rule, the more empowered you feel with your goals, the better off you will be. But if you become consumed with an intensely focused goal, you might be setting yourself up for failure.
Thinking about the how and why you manifest might help you avoid pitfalls. For example, would you really succeed if all of a sudden you wanted to have the perfect body? Probably not.
Instead, know the warning signs of manifesting that could lead to disasters. It’s best to know which strategies are likely to help you succeed and which are likely to take you in the wrong direction. Your journey is your journey.